
 Analytical and Numerical Electromagnetism with Applications in Photonics and Nanodevices
The ANEMOS research proposal concerns applications of electromagnetism in photonics, plasmonics and the metamaterials. The associated systems and devices are characterized by nanoscale dimensions systems, incorporate inhomogeneity and anisotropy and they may possess nonlinear behavior. Such systems and devices appeared relatively recently thanks to the advances in the material sciences. Previously, such systems existed only as concepts, due to their nonlinear response at weak intensities. The physical and mathematical modeling, however, as well as the numerical and computational implementation of such systems requires a novel approach since the majority of assumptions made on similar systems have to be reconsidered, removed or adapted to the nano-scale dimensions (the latter are now comparable with the wavelengths to be considered.) Also, numerical implementations become excessively demanding and novel numerical techniques and platforms for computational implementations are coming into play.


ANEMOS - Πρόγραμμα για την Ενίσχυση της Διεπιστημονικής Έρευνας και Καινοτομίας


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